The program "Youth in Action" active in 2007-2013, put an important contribution to the development of young people by providing  informal and formal education new knowledge, experience, gaining competences, as well as the promotion of intercultural dialogue, strengthen tolerance and the breakage of stereotypes and prejudices. Important steps have been taken to establish a society that is based on mutual understanding and respect.

Within the program "Youth in Action" our organization has been able to offer many exciting projects for young people. We scored 65 participation in the projects (seminar, training, youth exchange programs), of which in the 9 project were involved as the host side. Overall, more than 300 young people took part in the projects.

Information about the projects, see here: OUR PROJECTS

We had successful work under the project "European Voluntary Service", under which we hosted to 59 young Europeans, while 57 Georgian youngsters were sent to different European countries to participate in volunteer projects.

Information about sent volunteers, see here: OUR GEORGIAN EVS

Information about volunteers working in our organization, see here: OUR VOLUNTEERS


Since 2014, started a new program "Erasmus +", which gives even more opportunity for young people. Our organization has a desire to create a new web-site of the program, based on Georgian language to give more opportunity to the youngsters in Georgia to access information and make its realization. At this stage, we have started work in this regard, and we want to launch a web page: 

For farther information about the program "Erasmus +" please visit official web site and/or introduce to Erasmus+" Programme Guide.