Please see the information about the participation of our organization in the projects

of "Youth in Action" and "Erasmus+" programmes on the official FB page of the organization: SYCPROJECTS


Project: Implementation of Financial Participatory Approach (FPA) for the Chokhatauri Municipality communities
July 2021 – November 2022
WWF Caucasus Programme Office. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) represented by the Embassy of Sweden in Georgia.
Student-Youth Council

Project: Make it Visible! Civic Education through Art Participation: focus SDGs! 
June - September 2021
Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) with funds from the Federal Foreign Office
EENCE working groups Youth & Citizenship Education and Art for Act. Participating countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Russia

Project: Academy of Participation (AoP) – inter-sector collaboration for enhanced citizen participation and social accountability of local institutions in Guria region 
December 2020 - December 2021
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government of Georgia
Realizes: "Solidarity Fund PL in Georgia", "Student-Youth Council" was participating as a partner organization

Project: Chitalishe - tool and opportunity for the transferring of Bulgarian best practices and supporting of community development in Guria region
December 2020 - May 2021
Bulgarian Development Aid
Realizes: "Student-Youth Council" and "
Active Bulgarian Society"

Project: We request the answer
Duration: July-October 2020
"Guria Civic Center", "Center for Innovation and Civic Development - House of Progress", "Student-Youth Council" was participating as a partner organization

Project: Youth for You
July-August 2020
"Arbeiter Samariter Bund Georgia", framework EU funded project "Equal opportunities for persons with disabilities- supporting social service providers in rural Georgia"
Student-Youth Council

Project: Monitoring the implementation of the development strategy of Guria region
April-September 2019
Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia
"Student-Youth Council" and "Green Caucasus"

Project: Implementing public oriented local-governance in Poti and Abasha Municipalities
 European Union 
Poti Municipality, Abasha Municipality, Guria Youth Resource Center, Student-Youth Council

Project: Informed population = better municipal services
Duration: April-September 2018
Support: Civil Society Institute
Realizes: Student-Youth Council 

Project: Alcohol and Tobacco Free Youth of Guria
September 2017 - September 2018
 US Embassy in Georgia: Democracy Commission Small Grants Program
Student-Youth Council

Project: My voice is decisive !
August-October 2016
 Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings
Student-Youth Council

Project: Programme: Volunteer of Georgia II
July-December 2016
Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia
"Student-Youth Council" was participating as the regional partner organization

Project: I - an active voter - from the informing to the governing of country!
Duration: April-December 2015
Support: Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings
Realizes: Student-Youth Council

Project: Get to Know about Poland
Duration: March-November 2015 
Support: Department of Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland
Realizes: "Institute for Eastern Initiatives" - Poland, "Student-Youth Council" was participating as a partner organization

Project: Programme: Volunteer of Georgia
Duration: March 2015 - February 2016
Support: Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia
Realizes: "Student-Youth Council" was participating as the regional partner organization

Project: Guria - we are going to the elections! Come you too! 
Duration: May-June 2014
Support: Center of Electoral Systems Development, Reforms and Trainings
Realizes: "Student-Youth Council", newspaper "Guriis Moambe", "Center of Development and Democracy"

Project: Bridge of culture amongst the past and future
Duration: Apryl-November 2013
Support: Framework project: "New Breath of Culture: Fill Heritage with Life Of Arts", with funding of European Union "Eastern Partnership Culture Programme" 
Realizes: Student-Youth Council

Project: New strategy: equal opportunities and active participation
Duration: May-July 2012
Support: Children and Youth Development Fund
Realizes: Student-Youth Council

Project: Online Training Program on Human Rights for Members and Volunteers of Youth European Organization
Duration: 2011-2012
Support: European Youth Foundation
Realizes: Project has implemented by "RESPECT Refugees Europe" - Spain, with partnership: "Informagiovani" - Italy, "Global Youth Union Foundation" - Armenia and "Student-Youth Council" - Georgia

Project: Let's learn, know and do together
Duration: May-November 2011
Support: Adult Education Association of Georgia
Realizes: Student-Youth Council 

Project: Let's manage together ! - a way from the informing towards cooperation     VIDEO
Duration: October 2010 - August 2011
Support: Open Society - Georgia
Realizes: Student-Youth Council   

Project: Young Leaders Programme
Duration: October 2010 - January 2011
Support: Fundacji Inicjatyw Menedżerskich - Poland
Realizes: Student-Youth Council   

Project: We can make a difference 
Duration: April-June 2010
Support: Open Society - Georgia
Realizes: "Student-Youth Council" and Youth Centre "Progres" - Chokhatauri

Project: Sustainable Urban Development 
Duration: 2010-2012
Support: European Union in the frames of programme "Cooperation in Urban Development and Dialogue" (CIUDAD)
Realizes: Executive Committee of City Council of town Ukrainka (Ukraine) with together the partner organizations: "Counterpart Creative Centre" (Ukraine), "Association of Small Towns of Ukraine" (Ukraine); "Foundation in Support of Local Democracy - Regional Centre from Lublin" (Poland); Executive Committee of City Council of Town Novolukom (Belarus); "Student -Youth Council" (Georgia).

Project: Establishing cooperation between European school clubs in rural areas in Ukraine and Georgia
Duration: January-March 2010
Support: East East: Partnership Beyond Borders 
Realizes: "European Dialogue Society" (Lviv, Ukraine) and "Student -Youth Council"   

Project: The best Polish practices of the co-operation amongst the sectors, as the motivating power for local development of Georgia 
Duration: 1 June - 31 December 2009
Support: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Rebublic of Poland - "Polish Aid"
Realizes: Krasnik Municipality (Poland) in cooperation with "Foundation in Support of Local Democracy – Regional Centre in Lublin" (Poland), "Horticultural Cooperation in Boby" (Poland), "Caucasus Consulting" (Poland), "Guria Agrobusiness Center" (Georgia), Self-goverment of Municipality Ozurgeti (Georgia) and "Student-Youth Council"

Project: We Learn Ecology 
Duration: Mart-Apryl 2009
Support: "Youth Service America" in fields of "Disney Minnie Grant"
Realizes: The project has been worked up by the Polish volunteer Karolina Janeczek

Project: Proposition of modern methods of public administration management for Georgia
Duration: August-November 2008
Support: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Rebublic of Poland - "Polish Aid"
Realizes: The Town Hall of Krasnik (Poland), "The Foundation in Support of Local Democracy - Regional Centre in Lublin" (Poland) and "Student-Youth Council" 

Project: Civil organizations' exchange programme
Duration: October-December 2008
Realizes: "Caucasian institution for peace, democracy and development". "Student-Youth Council" was participating as the regional partner organization.

Project: Transparent self-government - the first step 
Duration: Jule-December 2008
Support: Open Society - Georgia
Realizes: "Student-Youth Council" and "Young Scientists’ Club of Ozurgeti"

Project: Listen, learn and share it to others ! 
Duration: January-Apryl 2008
Support: "Peace Child International" in fields of "Be the Change" Programme
Realizes: Student-Youth Council

Project: Training program for Youth Volunteers and European Organizations in Management and Professional Competences (
Duration: 2008-2010
Support: Council of Europe
Realizes: Project has implemented by "RESPECT Refugees Europe" - Spain, with partnership: "Pro Atlantico" - Portugal, "Accademia Psicologia Applicata" - Italy, "World Window" - Moldova, "Bona Fides Association" - Poland, "Social Cooperative Activities for Minority Groups" - Greece, "Croatian Youth Network" - Croatia, "Initsiativa Regional Youth Council" - Bulgaria and "Student-Youth Council" - Georgia

Project: Study, included, elections
Duration: September-October 2006
Support: "Urban Institute"
Realizes: Student-Youth Council

Project: SOS! Avian Flue! - Continuation 
Duration: August-October 2006
Support: "Youth Service America" in fields of "Disney Minnie Grant"
Realizes: Student-Youth Council

Project: You have right to know, apply and help to others!
Duration: February-July 2006
Support: Open Society - Georgia
Realizes:"Guria Regional Committee National Anti-Violence Network" and "Student-Youth Council"

Project: SOS! Avian Flue!
Duration: Mart-June 2006
Support: "Youth Service America" in fields of "Disney Minnie Grant"
Realizes: Student-Youth Council

Project: Combating corruption and its prevention in Georgia through strengthening civil society and activating citizens' participation in political process in Georgia (
Duration: 2005-2006
Support: European Commission
Realizes: "Center for Conflict and Change management - Partners-Georgia" and "Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development". "Student-Youth Council" was participating as the regional partner organization

Project: I Know I can Make a Difference
Duration: 2004-2006
Support: Eurasia Foundation 
Realizes: "Guria Youth Resource Centre" and "Student-Youth Council" 

Project: Let’s make our communities the better place to live
Duration: 2005-2006
Support: European Commission
Realizes: "Guria Youth Resource Centre". "Student-Youth Council" was participating as a partner organization

Project: Voters Education Initiative (I, II, III)
Duration: 2003-2004
Support: Care International
Realizes: "International Assistance Foundation" (Kutaisi) and "Student-Youth Council"

Project: Dialogue and Free Choice
Duration: 2003
Support: Open Society - Georgia
Realizes: Student-Youth Council

Project: Corruption, Government and Society - who is who?
Duration: 2002-2004
Support: "Eurasia Foundation" and "Open Society - Georgia"
Realizes: "Democratic Development Union of Georgia" and "Student-Youth Council"